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Our Tasty History

Prepare to feel inspired! The incredible tale of
"Breakfast at Tiffiny's" began with Tiffiny, a devoted
waitress who adored her work and consistently
went above and beyond for all her patrons. Her
perseverance and commitment were rewarded when she
established strong connections with her regulars, many of
whom were entrepreneurs. She was taken aback when
someone finally accepted her proposal!

In 2011, she opened her first restaurant "Breakfast at Tiffiny's",
during Western Michigan University's homecoming weekend.
She took a chance on a small building that had previously
been a popular eatery for college students, and it paid off
big time! Her first location was perfect, right off campus,
and was already set up for a restaurant.

Her menu items and engaging personality quickly won over customers,
and her business grew. Even when her original building was demolished,
Tiffiny didn't give up. She found the perfect place to open up again,
and her loyal customers continued to follow her to her new location at
Greenspire Shoppes. With this great new larger more updated location,
her business began to burst at the seams!

Tiffiny has done it again! She’s discovered the ideal spot for another
thrilling Breakfast at Tiffiny's! The Maplehill Shopping Center is perfect,
convenient, spacious, and serves the most amazing food and service we
all love! With two fantastic locations already thriving, we look forward
to what Tiffiny has in store for us in the future!